
Just starting as an Admin of your board?

You’ll want to read each of the FAQ categories to the left here. Don’t worry though, there is not a lot of reading to be done, because BoardNotebook is really very easy to use.

Main Page

When you click “Your Boards” in the menu on the top of every page, you’re taken to a list of Your Board Memberships. This will show all (even if it’s only *one) of the boards you’re a member of. If it says “I am admin”, next to the orange link of the board’s name, that means you are an Admin of the BoardNotebook and can make changes to the BoardNotebook. You’ll see places where there are green buttons and menus, these are things that allow you to make changes to the BoardNotebook.

If the link to your board doesn’t say “I am admin” next to it, that means you’re a Member of the board, and you can move around within the BoardNotebook and see the material published there to help you with your board’s mission! You won’t see any of the green buttons mentioned in the FAQs, but there is still a ton of stuff you can do with your BoardNotebook.

Clicking the Orange link of your board’s name take you to the Main Page of the BoardNotebook.

Main Page


Start with Basics, and then create one or two new Sections.

Then checks out Pages, to add a Regular Page to a Section, and put a Document object on the new page. You can probably figure out how to Edit the Document object to change its title and upload a file for the document. It’s a lot like many other websites. But check out *Pages to see how.

You might also add a fake Meeting Page to a section, so you can try that by looking at the Meetings category.

Then, you might read the Members & Admins FAQ on how to add members to your board and invite them via email.

Be sure to either email us at or click that little gray bubble down in the right hand corner of the screen, it’ll allow you to contact us directly! (We’d love to hear your idea on how to make BoardNotebook better!)